Convert Palm Database from Eat Watch for Import into FatWatch

If you are a former user of the Palm application Eat Watch, you can use this simple utility to convert the Palm Database (PDB) file containing your weight history into a comma separated values (CSV) text file that can be imported into FatWatch.

  1. Locate your Months-HkDt.pdb file on your computer:
    • On Mac OS X, this file can usually be found at the path: Home > Documents > Palm > Users > Your Name > Backups. You can also use Spotlight to search for the file.
    • On Microsoft Windows, this file can usually be found at the path: My Documents > Palm OS Desktop > Your Name > Backup.
    • If you are using BackupBuddy VFS, see the note on the right.
  2. Select your preferred weight unit:
    This should match your FatWatch settings on your device. It does not need to match the settings you used in Eat Watch on Palm. If you select Stones, the numbers in the output file will be whole pounds, but will be displayed as stones and pounds by FatWatch.
  3. This button will upload your PDB file and download a CSV file containing your weight history. Your data is sent to the server to be processed and then immediately discarded.
  4. A file named weight.csv will be downloaded to your computer. You can open it in a text editor or spreadsheet application to verify its contents.
  5. On your iPhone or iPod touch, launch Settings and verify that your device and your computer are on the same Wi-Fi network.
  6. Launch FatWatch, tap the More tab, then enable Wi-Fi Import/Export.
  7. A web address will appear in blue. Open a new web browser window and type the address into the browser's address bar.
  8. Your web browser will load a page of instructions from FatWatch. Follow the instructions to import the file you just downloaded from this site. Use the default text encoding (Unicode) for files generated by this page.

FatWatch 2.0 includes support for tracking rungs on the Hacker's Diet Exercise Ladder. When you import, be sure to select the Rung column to be imported into the Yellow Mark field.

If you are using a product such as BackupBuddy VFS, make sure to select the Months-HkDt.pdb file created by the Palm HotSync software and NOT the backup file created by BackupBuddy.

If you run into any problems, don't hesitate to email me at